Thursday, June 25, 2009

Working it out

I have always been an active person. When I was young, I was an insatiable fountain of energy. I used to run around all over the place. I played soccer, basketball, football and baseball. I rode my bicycle. I climbed trees.

I started working out when I was a teenager, lifting free weights at home and in my friend's garage; nothing too serious. Later on, I got a gym membership at the Orleans Recreation Centre. I started adding machine weights to my workout schedule and I also spent a little time on the treadmill.

Some time later, I got a gym membership at my work, and I kept that up for a few years. Recently, I terminated my gym membership at work, and opted instead for the larger facilities at Health Canada just down the street.

A few weeks ago, I ordered a workout product called 'P90X' (perhaps you've heard of it). The premise is that you do a series of workouts for 90 consecutive days, and at the end, you'll be significantly stronger, faster, and leaner. Prior to starting the program, they ask you to take a fitness test, and they say that you should only pursue the program if you pass the initial test. I passed, so I figured that I was ready.

Well, I gave the first workout in the series a try and by the end of it, I was seriously considering two things 1) living the rest of my life from the floor 2) bathing in a bathtub filled with Rub-A-535. I thought to myself that if were to keep this up for another 89 days, I would eventually turn into dust and be carried away by a breeze. I made the executive decision to put the P90X collection of DVDs at a safe distance from my DVD player, and to no longer speak of the incident.

So what am I currently doing to stay in shape? Well, diet is one thing. I've reduced my portions of meat, and have opted for more vegetables and grains. In terms of being active, I've been playing dodgeball and ultimate frisbee, with the odd game of tennis thrown into the mix. Karen always beats me, but at least I'm being active. On the workout front, I'm still going strong at the Health Canada gym, three to four times per week, and I've purchased a set of adjustable dumbbells for when I want to workout at home.

I've also started to take vitamins and supplements. Currently, I am taking GNC Mega Men multivitamins, ISO 93 Sensation protein powder (which I have for breakfast mixed with milk, frozen fruit and frozen yoghurt - a special thanks to Tom for putting me onto this), and an after workout recovery formula.

Overall, I'd say that the results have been good, but I'm still some time away from putting on a Speedo (sorry ladies).


  1. Alex not eating meat will not help you. You need to eat lots of lean meat and not too many carbs.

    If you eat too many carbs and not enough protein you won't build muscle and you won't ever feel full.

    Just limit yourself to steaks with loin, chicken, fish, turkey, and protein powder.

    Make sure to have protein with every meal.

    This will get your metabolism up as well.
