Thursday, June 11, 2009

Where do I go from here?

I'm 30, and I'm feeling it. By 'it' I mean 'old', and by 'old' I mean 'very old', and by 'very old' I mean 'ancient'.

I find myself starting to say things like 'young punks' when referring to teenagers and their sometimes loud and often abnoxious behaviour. In times like those, I try to remember back to when I was a teenager to see if I ever behaved like the kids today. Ah yes, that's another things that I find myself saying. 'These kids today (enter general old people stereotype about young people)'.

I know that it's bad, and I also know that it won't end there; it will only get worse. It won't be long before I start saying things like 'Back in my day...', complaining about my various aches and pains, developing new fears, talking about how death is close, wearing adult diapers and a knee brace, not being able to eat spicy foods past 3 o'clock, hating loud music, having trouble with my bifocals, sitting on my front porch all day with a glass of lemonade and complaining to myself and to passers by how they don't make things like they used to, muttering to myself, wandering the shopping malls looking for the ultimate soft yoghurt, growing another chin, and not being able to drive anywhere because my Crown Vic is always in the shop.

A special thanks to Tom for his suggestions for this blog post.


  1. Hhahhaa, best post yet. good one! Dude let's get hammered at mont cascade. Karen drives and we'll sneak in vodka. Fucking little punks wont know what hit them. Canonball!!!!!!!!!!!!!
